Taking Action on Climate Change
Commitment, Challenges and Opportunities
The Group is conscious of the environmental impact associated with its business activities, and especially the impact of growing energy usage arising from its 5G network expansion and the ever-increasing data traffic. It is committed to managing its footprint across its network and operations to contribute positively to environmental sustainability, becoming more energy efficient and supporting the global transition to a low-carbon economy. Climate change is a global challenge to communities and businesses, and to the Group. The Group is striving to integrate climate change considerations across its business practices. Key Challenge is to lower its carbon emissions by enhancing the energy efficiency of its mobile network.
Contributing Positively to Sustainability Goals and Enabling a Low Carbon Transition
The Group regularly reviews its operations to enhance its operational efficiency and lower its energy consumption. Over the past few years, it has integrated space utilisation in its switching centres and improved cooling architecture. Others include conducting an analysis of its existing business operations and structure to identify six specific fields that present transition opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation. In addition, medium and long-term targets on key performance indicators (“KPIs”) in relation to material environmental topics have been set and tracked.
Optimising Resource Use and Encouraging a Sustainable Lifestyle
The Group engages in reduction, reuse and recycling activities to reduce waste.
The Group also encourages its customers to adopt a sustainable lifestyle, and makes it easy for them to contribute to sustainability efforts as well as providing useful digital services and solutions to help customers make environmentally responsible choices for living and working.
In addition, the Group has actively engaged in the Green Friends initiative, led by Hong Kong Battery Recycling Centre Limited to recycle all damaged or aged lead-acid batteries.
Monitoring Compliance
The Group integrates considerations of sustainability and climate change impact into its business activities in order to set a positive example for its stakeholders. It also seeks to share this vision with its business partners and suppliers with the aim of collectively building a more sustainable future. It is to raise business partners’ awareness of environmental issues, eco-friendly practices and professional environmental considerations as outlined in the Supplier Code of Conduct of the Group.
The Group conducts its businesses in accordance with applicable environmental laws, rules and regulations. Regulatory frameworks within the Group are analysed and monitored, with internal policies prepared and updated accordingly. The Group strives to cultivate a greater internal awareness of environmental issues through campaigns to reduce energy consumption and waste. Furthermore, the Group consistently evaluates its operations to identify opportunities for implementing more sustainable workflows and influencing behaviour towards lower environmental impact. Internal communications, trainings and workshops are used to bolster employee awareness while internal policies and compliance procedures reinforce understanding and stimulate changes in employee behaviour.
Key governance and sustainability policies and guidelines of the Group, the Corporate Governance Report and the Sustainability Report are posted on the website of the Company.
(Updated to 5 March 2024)