Reporting on What Matters
Approach to Sustainability
Sustainability plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the Group maintains its position as a responsible digital service provider and upholds the well-being and prosperity of the communities in which it operates. The Group recognises the importance of understanding stakeholder views and considering stakeholder perspectives in shaping a strategy that places the interests of society and the environment at the forefront. Embracing sustainability is deeply ingrained in the Group’s core values as manifested in its corporate strategies, demonstrating its commitment to responsible business practices and long-term societal and environmental impact.
Group Sustainability Framework
The Group is firmly committed to contributing to the achievements of the UNSDGs and the objectives outlined in the 2015 Paris Agreement. Through the comprehensive materiality assessment, the Group established its sustainability framework, approach and priorities, which are built upon four sustainability pillars: Governance, Sustainable Business Model & Innovation, Environment and Social. Each pillar is supported by the corresponding Group policies, leadership and collective efforts across the entire business. These four fundamental pillars serve as guiding principles for the Group to shape the overall direction of its sustainability strategies and approach for an effective implementation across its businesses.
In 2023, the Group identified eight Group wide sustainability goals, being arranged into four sustainability pillars and mapped to the UNSDGs, with three priority focus areas.
Stakeholder Engagement
The Group actively fosters open and transparent dialogues with a diverse array of stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers and business partners, banks and creditors, shareholders and investors, governments and regulators, as well as local communities and non-governmental organisations. To effectively engage and communicate with that broad range of stakeholders, and gain insights into their views and expectations, the Group has established a wide range of channels for effective communication. The following figure provides an overview of these channels, which serves as valuable avenues for understanding and responding to the needs and concerns of the Group’s stakeholders.
Materiality Assessment
The Group’s materiality assessment is a dynamic and iterative process which considers new information, emerging trends and developments, and the three-step approach in terms of identification, prioritisation and validation for the Group’s assessment. This assessment defines the material sustainability issues that hold great significance for the Group and its stakeholders. To continuously enhance its understanding of these issues, the Group takes proactive steps to address sustainability challenges for strategic alignment.
Identified potential sustainability topics relevant to the Group referencing:
- Sector specific frameworks such as the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board Materiality Map
- The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- ESG rating reports
- Employee engagement surveys
- Research on emerging issues and global socioeconomic trends
Prioritised material topics using the following inputs:
- Influence of identified material issues on business success was evaluated by members of the Sustainability Working Group
- Evaluate the significance of the impacts on Group’s ability to cr eate long term and sustainable value
Reviewed and approved the material topics with the following actions:
- Latest developments and new information reflected in the Group Sustainability Framework
- Updated Group Sustainability Framework reviewed by the Sustainability Working Group and then recommended to the Sustainability Committee for approval
The results facilitate the Group in steering its sustainability strategies, prioritising its sustainability activities, and establishing meaningful metrics for effective performance evaluation.
Key governance and sustainability policies and guidelines of the Group, the Corporate Governance Report and the Sustainability Report are posted on the website of the Company.
(Updated to 5 March 2024)